Justin Clipper 


  History of my Life

My name is Justin Clipper and I am ten years old. I came from Kibosho Umbwe, Hai district, Kilimanjaro Region. I came to Moshi town from Kibosho because of lack of food and other services.

This life came to be bitter on my side just because my mother and father passed away long time ago. I used to stay with my little father and little mother (aunt and uncle). One day both of them went to Arusha and there I took a loophole to go to Moshi town rather than staying at home without food. Mind I came to Moshi town on foot.

At Moshi Town bus stand I met my brother Michael Clipper who took me to Faraja which is now closed. We slept at Faraja and later at Mkombozi Centre, a place where we are getting education.

At the moment we are staying at Mkombozi Centre for good and I am expecting maybe next year I will go to primary school for further education. Thank for those  who managed to put this fabulous thing to enable those kids who are getting some problems from their homes and run away.